Ayushman bharat diwas status whatsapp status 2021
Ayushman bharat diwas status whatsapp status 2021 in hindi and english :-
The programme is part of the Indian government’s National Health Policy. It was launched in September 2018 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. That ministry later established the National Health Authority as an organization to administer the program. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and is jointly funded by both the federal government and the states. By offering services to 50 crore people it is the world’s largest government sponsored healthcare program. Ayushman bharat diwas status whatsapp status 2021. The program is a poverty alleviation programme as its users are people with low income in India.
Nation celebrates Ayushman Bharat Diwas on 30th April. The day aims to promote affordable medical facilities in remote areas of the country based on the Socio-Economic Caste Census database. It will also promote health and wellness and provide insurance benefits to the poor.
The uncertainties in life have led to the growth of the healthcare sector in India.
Ayushman bharat diwas status in hindi :-
1.मस्तिष्क में खूबियां खूब है
पर इसका स्वस्थ होना जरूरी है
2.सकारात्मक सोच है
तो मानसिक बीमारी दूर है
और जो शारीरिक-मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ है
वो सुखी जरूर है
3.इंसान भावनात्मक कष्ट ज्यादा सहते हैं
अकेले में रो लेते हैं पर किसी से नहीं कहते हैं
4.लड़कियाँ एकदम शांत ही अच्छी लगती है,
इतनी ज्यादा बोलने वाली तो पागलखाने में ही अच्छी लगती हैं
5.अच्छे स्वास्थ्य को हम ख़रीद नहीं सकते है परन्तु इसे व्यायाम, योग और संतुलित आहार से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं. ख़ुद को स्वस्थ रखने में आत्मनियंत्रण का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान होता है.
6.दवा से सिर्फ़ जीवन में बीमारी को दूर किया जा सकता है लेकिन आयु कभी नही बढ़ाई जा सकती है.आयु कभी नही बढ़ाई जा सकती है.
Ayushman bharat diwas status in english
1.Your mind carries depression
the scars on your heart show the sign
2.Health is important
It keeps your body fit and your mind calm
Spread health awareness on this Ayushman bharat diwas
3.Your mind carries the depression caused by the sleepless nights
Your face carries the smile of the second face you carry
4.Difficulties do not come to destroy you
But to help you
Realize your Hidden Potential and Power
Let difficulties Know that you are Difficult to.