International yoga day wishes shayari quotes messages

International yoga day wishes shayari quotes messages 2021 in hindi and english :-

The sixth edition of the International Yoga Day will focus on yoga at home with family members. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the run up to the yoga day, launched an event – ‘My Life My Yoga’ – in his ‘Mann ki Baat’. He encouraged people to stay active and fit during the coronavirus lockdown. International yoga day wishes shayari quotes messages 2021.

International yoga day wishes shayari in hindi :-

” योग हमे ख़ुद से मिलाता हैं,
योग ईश्वर की अनुभूति दिलाता हैं।”

International yoga day status whatsapp status

” रोगमुक्त जीवन जीने की हो चाहत,
नियमित योग करने की डालो आदत। “

International yoga day shayari

” योग है स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी,
योग रोगमुक्त जीवन के लिए गुणकारी। “

International yoga day wishes shayari

” सुबह हो या शाम, रोज कीजिए योग,
निकट ना आएगा कभी आपके कोई रोग। “

International yoga day wishes 2020

” योग कीजिए, रोग दूर भगाइए,
रोज कीजिये, और जीते जाईये। “

International yoga day shayari 2020

” स्वस्थ जीवन जीना जिंदगी की जमा पूँजी,
योग करना रोगमुक्त जीवन की कुंजी। “

International yoga day wishes shayari quotes messages

” न जाने ये कलम भी क्यों,
कागज़ से इतना डरती है।
जहाँ भी कागज़ दिख जाये,
टोपी उतार शीर्षासन करती है।। “

International yoga day quotes

” स्वास्थ सबसे बड़ा उपहार हैं,
संतोष सबसे बड़ा धन हैं,
यह दोनों योग से ही मिलते हैं। “

International yoga day quotes message in english :-

” Never hurry.
Take plenty of Yoga.
Always be cheerful
Take all the sleep you need..
You may expect to be well.
Happy Yoga day 2021! “

” You cannot do yoga.
Yoga is your natural state.
What you can do are yoga exercises,
which may reveal to you
where you are resisting your natural states.
Happy yoga day 2021 ! “

” Rid your body of its impurities,
let your speech be true and sweet,
feel friendship for the world, and
with humility seek wealth and knowledge ! “

” In the practice of Yoga,
one can emphasize the body,
the mind or the self and
hence the effort can never be fruitless.
Happy yoga day. “

” Healthy plants and trees yield
abundant flowers and fruits.
Similarly, from a healthy person,
smiles and happiness shine
forth like the rays of the sun. “

” Yoga is a Way to Freedom.
By its Constant Practice,
We can Free Ourselves form,
‘Fear, Anguish and Loneliness.’ “

Happy international yoga day 2021

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